Meet us.

Herb and Cheryon Unruh

Who we are:

My wife and I have served in Tucson at The Door CFC since 1978.
Since then, between us, we have;

  • assisted in pioneering the Children’s ministry,

  • been children’s worship and choir leader,

  • pioneered the “Faith Roots” preschool,

  • taught seminars on a wide variety of subjects in Children’s Workers Conferences in Prescott,

  • designed and built sets and made costumes for Tucson’s major drama productions.

    In our “spare time” we have a ministry that presents HIS~storical re-enactments in schools, churches and at public venues.
    I have also led 2 adult Creation vs. Evolution Sunday Schools.

Teaching Apologetics has been the common thread throughout our 40+ years of ministry. We each have a teaching certificate from “Answers in Genesis”, a world wide apologetics ministry. Our passion is for everyone to live by the infallibility of
GOD’S Word by strengthening their Biblical World View.